Category: Finance

  • BPO

    What is the BPO full form? Business Process Outsourcing is the meaning of BPO. Which is simply in other term “outsourcing”. It is back end works in Business categorized in Human Resources, Finances, Accounting. In BPO sector, the main work is customer satisfaction. It also works in Front end such as – customer care and…

  • GDP


    GDP full form Related to Gross Domestic Product Finance/Economy Good Documentation Practice Genrally, it is known as GDP or GDocP.

  • FIP

    FIP full form Related to Factory Instrument Protocol Protocols/Network Feline infectious peritonitis FIP is a viral disease that occurs worldwide in wild and domestic cats Female iron pipe Plumbing/A kind of pipe Fixed Income Plan Finance Fire Indicator Panel FIP is the controlling component of a fire alarm system. International Pharmaceutical Federation (Fédération Internationale Pharmaceutique)…

  • NPA

    NPA full form Related to National Police Academy Police Academy in India New People’s Army Armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Non Performing Assets Finance/Insurance/Loan Nursing Practice Act Law in california/USA

  • PPE

    Health Equipment Related to Pacific Performance Engineering Manufacturer of Engineering/Automobile stuff Permissible Exposure Limit A legal limit in the Unites States of America Personal Protective Equipment Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Property, Plant, and Equipment Referred as PP&E. Related to “Asset”/”Finance” 3 years course at Oxford University A legal limit in the United States of America